A Giveaway! {And, Our Different Gifts}

Those who know me best know that I’ve often wondered why the Lord gives (or doesn’t give) certain gifts to certain people. For instance, why didn’t He give me the gift of song? (Didn’t He know that I would love to make a joyful noise to Him?) Why is it seemingly so easy for some women to stand up and address a crowd, when I feel weak at the knees just at the thought of it?
We may never fully understand why He gives out gifts the way He does… but we do know that’s exactly what they are: gifts. The longer I walk with Him, the more I’ve learned to trust Him, and that includes trusting the way He made me. One gift He did give to yours truly: writing! I love to use the written word for Him and to encourage my friends. And occasionally, writing women come together … and we can offer a fantastic gift back to YOU! I wanted to make sure those of you who are loyal email subscribers don’t miss out…
This week’s Instagram giveaway includes encouraging books by some of my favorite writers. There’s also a journaling kit and a Target gift card! I can’t take credit for all the wonderful goodies… this project was spearheaded by my bookish friend Amy Odland. I am just excited to be a part of it!
The giveaway ends on Wednesday, so don’t delay! Hop on over to our IG page for instructions on how to enter.
Good luck, and happy fall! Keep on clinging to Jesus,