You’re Invited to Book Clubs!

On a weekend getaway our family recently took, my daughters wanted to bring All. The. Dolls.
I looked in the back of the car and started to tell them, “NO. This car is packed enough as it is. We are only bringing what is essential.”
You know. Snacks. Water. First-aid supplies.
Then I realized – to my girls – the dolls WERE essential. To children, play IS essential.
Maybe, just maybe, creativity is essential to adults the way play is to children.
Reading is not frivolous. Writing is not frivolous. Just like art and music and planting a garden and taking time to talk to your neighbor are not frivolous activities.
We are living in dark days, my friends. (No secret there.)
BUT. If we stop creating in the name of practicality – if we stop doing things like loving, celebrating birthdays, reading to children, planting flowers and dreaming and growing, then doesn’t the darkness win?
We can each bring the light of Jesus into our little corner of the world. My part? My small part, for right now, in my little corner, is to bring book clubs to the readers in my (online) community.
We will gather over a book and possibly tea (coffee for me!), chat about the book and some discussion Q’s together, and get to know each other. We won’t always study books that are religious in name, but I will do my best to select titles that will help us grow closer in our walk with the Lord and with each other.
SO EXCITING! Meetings will be held monthly over zoom. Here is our fall lineup:
September – The Help (Kathryn Stockett). This novel is a little bit different from what I normally choose – yet I come back to it year after year. Possibly because it is brilliantly written; possibly because it is the kind of story that always helps me love my neighbor better. The possibilities for discussion are endless with this one! Discussion time: Thursday evening, September 30th, at 7pm MDT
October – The Complicated Heart (Sarah Mae). For our book clubs I plan to choose some fiction and some nonfiction. I couldn’t think of a better non-fiction book to start with than this one. It is, hands-down, the best book on forgiveness I have ever read. Not because Sarah Mae makes it easy; but because her story is so real. To read it is to love it. Discussion date and Time TBD
January – When the Morning Glory Blooms (Cynthia Ruchti). This was my favorite novel of the year. Three different women living in three different time periods… with different circumstances but a similar heart. I love Ruchti’s warm and engaging writing style; she makes you feel like you are right there with the characters. Discussion date: January 25th, 7pm CST.
*Some notes on signing up: signing up does not mean that you’re expected to read every book and join us for every meeting; it just means you’ll receive the invitation to join the zoom meetings. Feel free to join us for books that spark your interest, and pass on books that don’t! If you think you might be interested, sign up 🙂 You can unsubscribe at any time.
And of course, if your book club or women’s group decides to read The Inheritance together, I would be happy to zoom in!
THANK YOU, friends! I am excited to grow in community with you in this way.
Here’s to making our corners of the world a little brighter.
In Christ,
Sign Up for Book Clubs Here!