A Christmas Poem to Make You Laugh {And an Easy Gift Idea}
Confession: In years past, I’ve suffered from Christmastime Perfectionism. (What mother doesn’t?) It’s as if we think that Christmas can’t come if we don’t buy enough candy canes!
Thankfully this year, I’ve been spared from this condition (so far at least). Maybe it’s a combination of growing in the Lord (I hope!) and also the babe I’m holding in my arms. Little Ezra reminds me what the first Christmas was really like (Mary and Joseph had sleepless nights, too.) And he reminds me that the miracle of Jesus’s birth is no less miraculous just because we may have a little stress in our lives.
I’ve composed a list to help; a list of what a day in the life of a mother at Christmas might *actually* look like. And decided to share it ~ in case you, too, struggle with Christmastime Perfectionism 🙂 You may feel free to sing it in your head to the tune of “The 12 Days of Christmas”…
12 bills a-waitin’
11 spills to clean up
10 shoes a-missing
9 plates in the sink
8 pets a-pooping
7 counters to clean
6 runny noses
5 sleepless nights
4 meals to make
3 laundry loads
2 cars that might die
*2 side notes:
- Yes I am aware that everything in this list is a “first-world problem”, and that we have so much to be grateful for. But this is also our reality, for many of us! And the amazing truth we need to remember is:
2. Yes – it’s true – Jesus comes anyway 🙂 In spite of (or maybe because of) our messes and imperfections.
He is:
“Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.” ~Isaiah 9:6
May we respond to Him as quickly and assuredly as He comes to us.
I also wanted to take a moment to let you know that The Inheritance could be a good gift for any readers in your life 🙂 At a recent book signing, several attendees bought copies as Christmas gifts, which made me realize that I should mention it to you, dear readers. Fun fact, one reader bought it for her grandma! I assured her it is a clean romance – in other words, Grandma-friendly 🙂 If any readers on your list enjoy the likes of Francine Rivers, I can (almost) promise that they will like The Inheritance. Stories in themselves are fun, but this is more than just a story…

You may find The Inheritance here on Amazon…
Or here, at Barnes and Noble (or your local B&N store can order it for you).
You may also order copies from me directly. To do so, just sent me an email at writerlaurajane(at)gmail(dot)com. Email me by Friday, December 17th, and I can personally sign, wrap and send copies to your recipients in time for Christmas!
The fact that this book even exists is a huge gift from God in my life! The fact that readers like you have been buying it (and enjoying it) is another gift I never expected.
Thank you for being here, dear readers.
Merry Christmas, and may Jesus be YOUR Prince of Peace this season and ever after,